Important Rules For Safe Shooting
- Never Point a gun loaded or unloaded at anyone or in an unsafe direction, the gun should always be treated as loaded until proven empty.
- Your gun when removed from the car or gun case should be opened immediately and kept open until entering shooting positions and facing into shooting zone and opened when leaving shooting positions
- Check barrels are clear of any obstruction at all times before firing, and remove any obstruction before commencing to shoot. As this could lead to serious injuries.
- Never trust Safety catch mechanical things can go wrong.
- Keep fingers away from the trigger when opening and closing your gun
- Never turn around from facing shooting position or shooting cage, towards spectator area with gun closed under any condition.
- Never shoot under the influence of drink or strong medication
- When shooting if anyone or any thing distracts you take your finger away from your trigger and identify the source of distraction before you commence to shoot.
- When closing your gun to commence to shoot keep your fingers away from your trigger and close your gun well away from your feet and towards shooting zone.
- On firing your gun you hear a different noise level or recoil, open your gun and check you have no impediment in your barrels before you reload.
- When you have a miss fire don’t open your gun straight away count to 12 seconds before you open your gun
- Never mix different gauge shotgun cartridges in your bag or pockets.
- Make sure your gun is in proof and good order.
- When carrying your gun out of the case carry it broken in the crook of your arm.
- When passing a gun to another person for any reason or obstacle ,make sure the gun is open and empty stock first.
- When shooting in winter conditions make sure you never get snow in your barrels.
- Never shoot across road, railway line, electric wire, or anywhere with public access.
- Make sure you know the proximity of any farm animals before you commence to shoot.
- Do not ever shoot unless you know it is safe to shoot
- When shooting game make sure your safety catch is on at all times until ready to fire.
- You must wear hearing and eye protection at all times when under instruction.
- Always remember to release single trigger for second shot